About Me

I am a single mom of 5. I am learning to Just Breathe one day at a time, to live for the sake of living, to find joy in life, forgive myself and others and to love God; trusting Him with my family and our future. We all have room to grow, let's teach and learn together. (:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Introducing Karen Naidoo *

ZAMBEZI An inspiration to see through words........ The Zambezi River expands its waist and expels her contents on to the banks of the Maramba Mouth she suddenly stirs with life, she repeats this journey,decades she has swayed through dense enbankments carving, weaving her way leading in her path a maelstorm of unforgiving waters. The storm comes with no warning,dark clouds shield the sky and a sudden burst of rain as fast as it appears it subsides, the clouds disappear towards the african skyline a flash of lightening...........but! for a second or two like a backdrop on a movie screen it gives off a display of white streaks like soundless fireworks across the horizon for a few moments........ then an echo is heard, the rolling of thunder, the sky turns hue, as the rain leaves in its wake a mist covering the river and dense bushes.... a green mamba seeks refuge from the rising river,as it coils itself around a branch and blends in with the natural fawna,an overhanging brush where the green and red beaked Zambezi lovebirds and yellow weavers make a colourful display as they build their nests over the flowing river they fly and chatter about nervously to and fro.... A fish eagle gives a cry as it hovers over the flooding waters and swoops down and snatches a bream in its powerful beak, then flapping its wings it soars then descends landing roughly on a nearby rock, with the water lapping and rising hungerily around it! the bird begins to devour its thrashing meal.. The water slowly glides widening her girth taking with it broken driftwood and whatever dare lays in its path, forming rapids, currents which hurridly overlap and swallow each other in white swirls disappearing in a mass of angry waters...it meanders like molten lava down towards the gaping crevice of the Victoria Falls thundering into the gorge below hissing like boiling pot where she settles restless in a mass of confusion.. in the valley below..

Karen Naidoo is my friend on Facebook. She is a very sweet woman, with a big heart. I wish I had a picture to accompany her words. Good luck to you in your writing ventures Karen! Hugs!!

* All submissions are posted unedited as per the author.

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