About Me

I am a single mom of 5. I am learning to Just Breathe one day at a time, to live for the sake of living, to find joy in life, forgive myself and others and to love God; trusting Him with my family and our future. We all have room to grow, let's teach and learn together. (:

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Muse named Angst

I need to apologize for taking so long to write a new post. I haven't been able to. Apparently my muse is Angst and I'm simply not bogged down with it right now. The work I've been doing with my friend Marlene seems to have opened up a spiritual conduit that has brought me peace, hope, many days filled with a steady stream of epiphany, the right and ability to set boundaries, and so much more.

I had never been much of a believer in Energy Work before, but Marlene does so with an outpouring of safe spirituality; it isn't some dark, voodoo thing I'd once imagined. She's not only unblocking MY energy but she has also taught me skills to keep it open, uplifting and positive. You may wonder why I keep expounding on this, well; if I had found a medical doctor or psychologist, a naturepath or even a new friend who was having such an impact on my life, it would be the same. I am not going to hold this as a quiet secret. I want any of you who need her help (or someone like her) to get it. Go grab hold of your own peace!

I've pondered how I can tell those who don't live close enough to Marlene how you can find your own healer. I begged for years, in prayer, for healing. Faith had to proceed the miracle, but it has now begun. We somehow found each other. As for you, well Marlene taught me to imagine rooting myself to Earth, grounding myself to it by extending from myself a virtual root to the core of Earth and tethering myself there. Then I was to visualize a tunnel or portal to Heaven, to see the light, feel the light and know I am surrounded by purest love, love of Heavenly parents, my Savior and the Spirit. Next she had me visualize taking a globe from this light, holding it in my hand, uttering a prayer of what I want in specific detail and then releasing it into the light. I have done this on many occasions since as I've gone through my days, simply in search of the peace it brings, but also to ask for special blessings. I believe if you ask for your own healer in this way, or through any type of prayer, the one meant for you will come into your life. Marlene came into my life via a large package of singles in Northern Utah from a friend of mine and out of that mix of people; some who've gone, some who remain but I still don't know well and others who have become real friends, she has become both friend & healer. I've been to other "light workers" but they didn't have a significant impact on my life the way Marlene has. One of them really gave me the heebeegeebee's too.

Hopefully I will be able to write down all the things I've learned from the Spirit over the last couple of weeks. It's quite a bit. But in the mean time, I encourage you to ask for your own healer and act on the answer. When I tell you I've been in traditional psycho-therapy forever I'm only slightly exaggerating. I stop or go rarely because I don't get anywhere. Does it have it's purpose? Indeed. I have learned a great deal which has probably prepped me for the work Marlene and I have done. But I was absolutely stuck and life is too short. I am humble enough to admit AA step 1, my life, deep inside me, was STILL in shambles. That is no way to live. I wasn't living!

As I redundantly repeat in nearly every post, I do have more work to do. I always will. But I have made marked progress and that means something to me! Ultimately I offer ALL credit to my Savior and Heavenly Father, without them, I would be buried under countless black balls and jars of earth. Lucky for me, they invite people on earth to assist them in their work. Luckily I found Marlene.

Inspiration for today:

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

~ Matthew 7:7

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

~ Albert Einstein

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

~ Mahatma Gandhi

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