About Me

I am a single mom of 5. I am learning to Just Breathe one day at a time, to live for the sake of living, to find joy in life, forgive myself and others and to love God; trusting Him with my family and our future. We all have room to grow, let's teach and learn together. (:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The "God to-do box"


REFERENCE: SFGTD (stuff for God to do)

This is God. Today I will be handling ALL of your problems for you. I do not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you.

P.S. And remember.....

If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do NOT attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situtations will be resolved, but in MY time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

Your Loving Heavenly Father


As I have prayerfully pondered about what I should write for my blog I found myself led to an article about a woman finding hope after divorce. While this is not the topic of the post, I was moved by a certain paragraph this anonymous author wrote. Why? Because recently I have met many people, men and women alike, who are struggling in one way or another. In talking to them one common theme I keep hearing is fear. I find it in myself as well. I have overcome much in a very short time but fear still follows me around like an unwelcome stray. Usually I would be wont to take in the stray and feed it, keep it safe and warm then find it new home but in the case of fear....its beyond time I let it go. Not to a good home per se, but into oblivion. How about you?

In the article the divorcee writes:
“I learned many things during this excruciating time. The scriptures {and} prayer.... became my primary links to daily strength. What changed my life however was learning to turn my fears over to the Lord. I learned that faith and fear cannot coexist in our minds. Fear inhibits faith and crowds our minds with worry so we cannot hear the Spirit. Fear needs to give way to faith in order for us to access the Lord's guidance and comfort. This was a huge realization for me. Worry consumes the present, crowding out all positive, inspired thought. Could I let go of the worry and turn my life over to the Lord? I knew I couldn't do it alone, but I also knew the Lord would help.”*

I know in my personal life I suffer from anxieties. I doubt there are many who don't in this day and age, at least in one way or another. Anxiety is just a fancy word for fear. What do I fear? I fear for my children; their well-being, their safety, their education, their choices, the people who are around them; will they treat them well? and so much more. I worry about me; my choices, how to fix the past as much as I can, how to better the present and the future, how to get my body better. You notice I didn't mention all the troubles in the world that also weigh on me. My concerns over my parents and my family, my friends and others whom I love and care about. Life...in general. I would venture to say we all have a lot on our minds, on our plates and in our hearts. Can we turn it all over to the Lord and lay our burdens at His feet?

Matthew 11:28-29 says:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest ….learn of me... and ye shall find rest to your souls”

I for one certainly need to do that more often than I do. I once went to a type of therapy called Cranial-Sacral therapy. Its a sort of massage/talking therapy. During the time I spent with the Light Worker she had me visualize putting ALL my cares and worries onto a blanket, wrapping it up and then walking over to God and handing it to Him. I cried in frustration as she talked me through the exercise. I couldn't do it, I couldn't lift the blanket, it was too heavy. I was concerned about so many things at that time. I told her this. She asked me what I thought I should do. Before I could answer, I saw in my mind God walking over to my pile, wrap it up Himself and take it. The tears I shed thereafter were tears of release.

Now when I give it all to God, I visualize a box my Grand Father made to hold his tools in. I lived in his house for a time and I found this old box in his garage and have kept it since. It has become my own personal “God to-do box”. Its not very big. Everything fits somehow. He always takes it and He always gives it back ~ empty.

*Ensign September 2010


Inspiration for today:

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
~Nelson Mandela

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”
~Franklin Roosevelt

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